Dictatorshop Gift Cards are standard Caspervend gift cards.
To use your gift card:
Simply wear your gift card and go to Dictatorshop and find the item you desire, right click the vendor and choose touch. The picture that item should show in the right side of the gift card, then click “BUY NOW” to initiate the purchase.
In the event that you click the vendor and the pay window pops up automatically just right click and choose “touch” from the popup and the item should appear in the window on the gift card.
You can see the amount of credit on your gift card by the hovertext over the card. If your desired item costs more than the amount you have available on the gift card it will ask you for debit permissions. This is a valid use of debit permissions but it can be scary for folks because it gives an object access to your Linden dollars in order to pay the difference between your credit and the total due. If you are uncomfortable granting permissions**, do not despair! There is a little terminal on the information desk at the front of the main store where you can “top off” your gift card with exactly the amount you need to buy your desired gift and then no debit permissions are required.
- Wear the gift card (so that it appears on your HUD)
- Pay the terminal to increase the gift card balance
- Purchase as outlined above.
** GENERAL WARNING: PROTECT YOURSELF, NEVER GRANT PERMSSIONS TO OBJECTS THAT YOU ARE NOT SURE ABOUT. Reputable vendors will have a top off terminal in their shop for you and if you are ever using a gift card where this is not available, contact the shop owner and ask for it.