Frequently Asked Questions
and Thoughts from the Creator of DS products
- Gift Cards
- Maturity Ratings on Furniture
- User and Gender/Dominance Keys
- Avatar Size and Furniture Fit
- Auto Attaching Rezzables (Cuffs, etc)
- About the sit system AvSitter
- Land Impact
- Price
- Add-ons
Those of you who shop with Dictatorshop have probably noticed these ratings on all of the latest sales posters. I have begun using these categories to help my shoppers to find the right level for their needs.
In the past few years I have begun making more mainstream looking furniture and some of my customers prefer more “general audience” or “adult vanilla” in some or all of their pieces to allow them to mix and match.
I use PG rather than G because well, we are all adults and it seems to be more recognized by the internationals than G. Most of the PG stuff you could have in front of your Grandma and not feel too concerned.
The Adult Vanilla is the step between general audience PG stuff and any fetish or kink. You will find warm-ups and mainstream sex but no bondage or fetish kink.
Adult Kink encompasses the first two levels and adds on the extra-naughty stuff for when you want all the possibilities open!
For the Adult Kink items there are four categories and/or an all-in-one. The first letter (shown in caps) shows you the Dominant in the combo and the second letter indicates the sub. OMNI indicates that all four dominance/gender combos are included.
I am careful in my mixed sets to give each of the four sets some of their own animations and not just the same exact things readjusted for everyone. Any of us who have been in SL a while know the old swap and adjust dance, I have created these separate menus so that all of the animations are adjusted as well as possible for the desired combo.
In Femdom (male or female sub versions) there are usually strap-on sex animations broken out into their own menu so that users can be sure who is doing what to whom. Strap-ons, unlike other auto rezzing items are not included as I have found that ladies prefer to use their own adjustable ones and it is simply too difficult to make an attachment of this sort to fit everyone automatically given all of the various mesh bodies out there. The strap-on menus will also work well for trans avatars as they are.
Ideally for MOST male/female couples poses the male is ONLY one head taller than the female. If you and your partner are are wildly different sizes you are going to find that hes poking her eyes out rather than caressing her face and shes floating all over the place. The only poses that will always fit are those where your hips are grinding, lol, since that is the only control we have on your placement.
I use animations from a variety of quality animation creators and the default sizes I am using appear to be fairly standard across all of them. It IS possible to adjust your furniture to fit you better, but in the end, I would recommend trying a lot of furniture, not just mine, and see how you fit, if you find yourself all over the place consistently – you may find that it is simply easier to adjust YOURSELF a little bit than to go through all of your furniture adjusting every single pose. We do not live in a one-size-fits-all Second Life.
SIT SYSTEM: About the sit system used – AVsitter
RLV Settings in AvSitter items
Please note for RLV enabled items there is a section at the top that is not read out in the notecard and care must be taken not to remove that part. The items are copy so you always have the original to revert back to in case something goes wrong.Anything about text like this “////////////////REMEMBER TO LEAVE RLV SETTINGS ABOVE////////////////” needs to be left in place for your RLV furniture to function. Below you will find out more about those settings above the note line so that you can also alter your personal preferences for things like how long the initial capture period is and so on.
You have control over many things with this toy. These controls are located in the Contents tab when you edit the item – in the AVpos notecard.
RLV 1 —> RLV on or off – it is on by default (1 = on and 0 = off)
TIMELOCK 5 —> Default number of minutes captured – default is 5 mins to give the dom a chance take the keys, etc.
RECAPTURE 1 —> 1 means recapture after relog, 0 means do not recapture
ONRELEASE @unsit=n —> automatically unsits when released. n would keep the sub on the toy after release.
SUBCONTROL 1 —> 1 means sub can see menu – 0 will prevent it
ONRELEASE @unsit=n –> AUTO SET to not stand the sub up automatically
*** ONSIT – what happens when someone sits voluntarily. Options are:
ASK – ask the avatar to choose between ‘D’ and ‘S’ roles. On choosing, the avatar will be moved to the first available sitter defined for that role by the ROLES setting, or unseated if no seats for that role are available. Choosing ‘S’ role will attempt to capture the avatar.
ASKONLY – same as ASK, but choosing the ‘S’ role will not attempt to capture. They can still be captured via the
CAPTURE – sitting will attempt to capture the avatar (if they are wearing an RLV relay). (default)
NONE – sitting voluntarily on the furniture will not attempt to capture the avatar.
*** ONTOUCH – what happens when furniture with no sitting avatars is touched. Options are:
ASK – search for RLV relays in range (20m) and ask who to capture. (default)
CAPTURE – attempt to capture the avatar who touched it (if they are wearing an RLV relay).
NONE – do nothing if touched when there are no sitting avatars.
*** ONCAPTURE – What happens when someone is captured – It defaults to @unsit=n|@fartouch=n|@acceptpermission=add which will not allow captured sub to stand or touch anything over 1.5 meters away. If adding additional restrictions add a pipe | between each item before the @ symbol.
@camunlock=n – keeps the camera within a short distance of the toy and does not allow the sub to cam out or around.
@chatshout=n – prevents shouting
Land Impact