The Port Royal Mirrors are for sale 20% off exclusively @ The Black Fair from 4-18 July.
The [Ds] Port Royal Mirrors come in three versions:
[Ds] Port Royal Mirror PG Everyone
[Ds] Port Royal Mirror Adult Vanilla
[Ds] Port Royal Mirror Adult Kink Rezzer OMNI
All versions include texture change and the ability to adjust animations, more details later in this notecard.
[Ds] Port Royal Mirror Adult Kink Rezzer OMNI

On sit you will be prompted for “Dominant” or “Submissive” as this piece has no swap menus (to prevent naughty subs from escaping).
The default woods for the rezzing part is “5 Makore”. If you prefer another color (so that you do not have to edit the mirror with the logo on the back of the mirror each time), simply rez the mirror you want to change, use the logo on the back of the mirror to set it how you like and take it back to inventory. Edit linked parts and look in the cross beam/logo prim – remove the mirror in the contents of that prim and copy the one you took to your inventory back into that prim. If you do any edits to the animations that you want to make permanent do the same process as above.
The rezzing bondage mirror is an OMNI piece, meaning it has Mf, Fm, Ff, and Mm menus. The PG and Adult Vanilla mirrors are primarily set up to work for MF couples.
This mirror is a single piece (no rezzing bits) and gives you a fine selection of solo and couple primping, couples cuddles and kisses and lots of fun standing sex.
This mirror is a single piece (no rezzing bits) and gives you a fine selection of solo and couple primping, couples cuddles and kisses – without any of the adult content.
The Port Royal product line uses 10 brand new exotic wood textures featuring a highly polished gloss and rich intensity. For your convenience they are numbered in the texture menu from 0 Bleached through 9 Ebony; from lightest to darkest. Edit the texture by clicking the crossbeam at the bottom (or connected logo on back of stand). Note that the rezzing mirrors on the Adult Kink version require a second adjustment on the rezzing mirror, see section above for more details on that.
Candles can be lit or extinguished by clicking on the flame itself. It is possible to save 3 Land Impact by removing the candles and flames if prims are an issue for you, just be aware there will be a small blemish on the wood where the shadow is for the candle holders.
It is possible for a user to adjust their pose with the built in menu. The Adjustment Helpers are also included so that you are able to choose ADJUST > HELPER and adjust the animations to suit yourself. Once done, choose DUMP to read all the adjustments into local chat. At the end of that readout is a link, click that for a nice tidy copy and paste-able readout, copy and paste it into the avpos notecard inside the mirror. When you save it will reload all of the scripts and then your changes are permanent, even if you reset the scripts.
For the adult bondage version you can also adjust the default RLV settings. It is the section at the top of the avpos notecard. Please note if you use the method above to make your settings permanent that you want to SAVE the RLV part at the top and do not replace it with the readout from the webpage as the RLV settings are not included in that readout. See the FAQ on the Dictatorshop blog (look at the end of the page) for what the RLV settings mean and what you can change.