Just in time for Valentine’s Day I have introduced a new suspension trap. It goes nicely with the
Valentine Pillory that came out a few weeks ago. The trap is available exclusively at the
Truth or Dare Affair 2 Event – that runs from 4-31 January. After that it will be available in the shop and marketplace. The trap has a land impact of 12 and is priced for a limited time at L$ 499.
This new trap contains over 45 quality animations divided into six main menus.
- Male Dominant/female submissive
- Female Dominant/male submissive
- Female Dominant/female submissive
- Male Dominant/male submissive
- Solo female sub**
- Solo male sub**

Each menu is carefully adjusted for the genders. This way minimal adjustment should be required for each combination. The first sitter is the submissive. There are swap menus at all levels for your convenience. You can see if you are in the dominant or submissive sit from the text in the popup menu and adjust yourself accordingly.
Each couples menu has a full menu for “Play” and a full menu for “Sex”. The Female Dominant menus include several strap-on animations. (bring your own strap-on 🙂
Auto-wearing attachments are included: paddle, dildo, feather, and male/female cuffs. The trap recognizes if the sub is male or female and attaches the appropriate sized cuffs.
** The Solo menus must be accessed by the dominant using the control button in the blue popup, you will not see them in your main menu as they are only to control the submissive. This is best done when the submissive is alone on the trap.
The trap is fully RLV enabled, allowing you to capture, restrict and set a time lock. There is an automatic 5 minute capture on relay-wearing rlv-enabled subs who sit on the toy, or are captured using the RLV. The dominant can set the time higher or release them once the sub is on the trap.
GACHA FUN – Pithy Posters Gachas 1 & 2
Just for the fun of it I have created a new set of simple black posters with a nice black frame with some pithy little sayings for fun and decoration. They are sold TRANSFER/MODIFY so you can resize them and gift them as you like.