Vindustria Toilet

Introducing the latests in the Vindustia Bathroom set – the Vindustria Toilets – sold exclusively at the Cosmopolitan Shopping Event from 23 September through 7 October.  THEY ARE 20% OFF DURING THE EVENT

The [Ds] Vindustria Toilets come in two varieties (sold separately) to allow you to pick just what you need.

♛   [Ds] Vindustria Toilet – Adult
♛   [Ds] Vindustria Toilet – PG Single Sitter


♛  Color Change on handle and tinting options (see further down for details)

♛  Click handle to get flush sound

♛  Click the lid to raise or lower it.  This allows you to completely change the tone of your play.

♛  Timeless styling allows this toilet to fit into most bathrooms.  It matches the other Vindustria Bathroom items.

[Ds] Vindustria Toilet – Adult

111 Quality animations

    ⁂   Sits-Solo
    ⁂   PG-RP-Solo
    ⁂   ChitChat (PG)
    ⁂   Cuddles (PG)
    ⁂   AdultCouple
            ⁂   OralForeHim – Foreplay & Oral for Him
            ⁂   OralForeHim – Foreplay & Oral for Her
            ⁂   SexStanding
            ⁂   SexSitting 
This toilet is not a fetishy one, because honestly I am way too Virgo for that sort of “messy” play. 😀  However, having the lid up or down for various adult poses and being a little creative will allow you to push the boundaries if that is your thing.  I tried to pick animations that would be flexible and cover the most likely needs of end users while at the same time keeping the piece classy and something I would use in my own SL house.

The Sits-Solo and PG-RP-Solo menus offer different things depending on if the sitter is male or female.  I did leave the shaving and moisturizing for the male sitters too since for many that may well be a part of their roleplay.

[Ds] Vindustria Toilet – PG Single Sitter

This version is for those who are mainly looking for decor with very basic one person sits.
23 Quality animations

    ⁂   Sits-Solo – basic chair sits (separate menus/adjustments for male or female based on avatar gender)
    ⁂   PG-RP-Solo – use toilet


The logo button on top of tank is what you click to get the texture menu.   It is also possible to lock this down to owner only so others cannot access that menu.  You can also set a tissue box or something on it to hide it.  Only the handle metal is set to change.  The texture faces on seat/lid, bowl and tank are set up to allow easy tinting.  There is a “Factory Reset” button in the texture menu that will reset all to clean in case you change your mind.

All versions use AVsitter and I have enabled the internal helper so that the owner of the furniture can call up the adjustment poles and “dump” any changes out to save back into the avpos notecard so that your own adjustments are permanent.