The Vindustria Massage Tables come in Adult and PG versions:
[Ds] Vindustria Massage Table Adult OMNI
[Ds] Vindustria Massage Table PG OMNI
Both versions feature:
These Massage Tables are OMNI versions which means that they accommodate all four possible combinations of users for all of the menus: Solo, Massages, PG and Adult menus:
Female -> Male
Male -> Female
Female -> Female
Male – > Male
** The massages include a sequence button (first in the menu) which will move through all of the massages at a leisurely pace (switching to the next every 2 minutes) giving you at a 40-56 minute massage before it repeats. The sequence begins at the feet and works all the way up to the head, ending with the massager sitting on the table with the massagee’s head in their lap massaging their neck. The next button in the menu allows you to progress more quickly if you desire.
** Quality animations include Bentos and are chosen to give you the best functionality. The Gay and Lesbian PG and Adult animations include specific content for those combinations.
** The Vindustria product range brings a vintage industrial feeling to any decor setting. Matching items available – Bed, Sofa, Shelves, Chairs, Coffee Table, Pool Table, and more!
** The bottom shelf is not used by the animations so you are free to add fun decor items there without interference.
** Highly Detailed with Strong LOD to prevent deforming.
** Auto rezzing and attaching accessories.
** Original Mesh and Hand Made Textures
** AVsitter engine – no poseballs, easy adjustment, experience enabled
** Texture change (accessed from the DICTATORSHOP logo button on the back) includes:
14 Leather choices for the cushion
14 Wood and metal choices for the base
** Copy/Mod/No Transfer
** Land Impact 6
[Ds] Vindustria Massage Table Adult OMNI
> SoloF
> SoloM
> Massages
> Female->Male
> Male->Female
> Female->Female
> Male->Male
> Adult_MF
> Foreplay_MF
> ForHer_MF
> ForHim_MF
> Facing_MF
> HimBehind_MF
> Adult_FF
> Adult_MM
[Ds] Vindustria Massage Table PG OMNI
> SoloF
> SoloM
> Massages
> Female->Male
> Male->Female
> Female->Female
> Male->Male