The [Ds] Secret Garden – Bondage Tree AK come with with 86 CUSTOM EXCLUSIVE long duration bento animations.
The Bondage Tree is designed to bring fun and naughtiness to your garden or outdoor setting. This is a collaboration item with Hayabusa, creators of fine landscaping items. You will find that this new Bondage Tree snuggles right in with their garden trees, bushes and flowers for a seamless experience. Bring your kink out of dark dungeons into the digital sunshine or moonlight!
** Texture Change (see instructions below) – Six leaf choices, two barks, three flowers or no flowers.
** Copy/Mod/No Transfer
** Land Impact 9.
** Strong LOD
** AVSitter – no poseballs, easy adjustment, experience enabled
** Auto rezzing props
** Fully RLV Enabled
Unlike other items there is no logo button in the tree as that would look a bit odd and might ruin the seamless effect. The owner can find the texture menu under the ADJUST menu in the play menus (texture menu will not arrive for non owner). From there you can choose any of the leaves and flowers under foliage, and the barks under bark. There are buttons under foliage to toggle the flowers on and off. Note the flowers must be set to on in order to choose the color.
The Menus are broken up into three parts – those for the solo sub (which can be controlled by a non sitting avatar who clicks the tree). In addition there are separate menus for MaleDom/Female sub and FemDom/male sub. The cuffs and any needed toys are auto rezzing and attaching.
> SoloSub
> MaleDom
> FemDom
This item uses the same brand new engine found in the Garage – Cage Lamps and Heritage – Scroll Chandeliers and is intended to give you lots of choices in what you want to do and where.