The [Ds] PORT ROYAL Bookcases are available 20% off exclusively at COSMOPOLITAN from 27 Dec – 9 Jan.
The [Ds] PORT ROYAL Bookcase Double come in two versions, there is also a single wide decor bookcase available.
All of the Bookcases feature texture change – get the menu by clicking the Dictatorshop logo on the side:
10 Port Royal Woods
5 Metals
Rezzing shelf decor (adds 5 Li)
The picture frames have a single face for the picture which allows you to drop your own pictures on them.
[Ds] PORT ROYAL Bookcase Double ADULT KINK
This innocent looking Bookcase contains a fully feature OMNI bondage cross inside! There are solo submissive display animations which can be used without a dominant seated to allow for your RP fun. In addition there are four sets of menus – one for each gender/dominance combo.
The Femdom menus feature a strap-on menu which will work well for gender fluid folks. While other rezzables are auto attaching the strap-ons are bring your own since they are simply too difficult to size for everyone and that tends to be something people prefer to have control over.
SoloBnd-female (9)
SoloBnd-male (9)
* Play_Mf
* Discipline_Mf
* Foreplay_Mf
* Sex_Mf
* Play_Mm
* Discipline_Mm
* Foreplay_Mm
* Sex_Mm
* Play_Fm
* Discipline_Fm
* Foreplay_Fm
* Sex_Fm
* Strap-On_Fm
* Play_Ff
* Discipline_Ff
* Foreplay_Ff
* Sex_Ff
* Strap-On_Ff
[Ds] PORT ROYAL Bookcase Double Decor
This version features the color change and shelf decor but no sits.
[Ds] PORT ROYAL Bookcase Single DECOR
This version features the color change and shelf decor but no sits.