Plasma and Pipeworks Lamps

 The Engine Room event runs from 20 September and runs through 20 October.  Find both lamp packs for 20% elusively during the event!

[Ds] TRINKETS Plasma Lamp

This amazing lamp comes in 6 colors.  Touch the ball (left click and hold) and move your hand around to play with the plasma beams as they follow your pointer!! We lost a whole morning just playing with this thing, it’s too much fun!  Click the base to turn the lamp on and off. Because of the complexities of making the plasma dance, this piece is no modify (changed linksets make scripts very unhappy indeed!).

The Plasma Lamp does not have color change in it, I have simply included all the color versions in the box.  

This piece is materials enabled to catch the light and add some seriously realistic texture to your Second Life! 

[Ds] TRINKETS Pipework Lamps

Perfectly placed pipework and technical bulbs combine to give you that sought after industrial look for your lighting. Sprinkle these around anywhere you want to see a bit of down to earth functionality with a twist.

These three lamps come in 6 colors.  Desk lamp (1 Li), single wall lamp (2 Li), dual wall lamp (3 Li).  They are resizable but this may affect the land impact numbers.  Click the lamp to turn the lamp on and off and choose which lighting level you prefer.  For the dual bulb click the each bulb to turn on or off.  The script(s)  can be removed if you prefer one single light level and prefer to save script time.

The Pipework Lamps do not have color change in them, I have simply included all the colors in the box.  This pack contains 6 gloms, one for each color, rez them out and a 7 Li set rezzes out – the three lamps and a prim that you can delete.  I did this because otherwise there would be 20 items in the box and that seemed a bit unwieldy.