Vindustria Pedestal Sink – Adult

This new Vindustria Pedestal Sink  is  20% off exclusively at Cosmo from 10-24  September 2018.   Only L$ 796!

As with all new releases the item can be seen in the main store but can only be purchased on the event sim until the end of the event.

I combed through my entire inventory of animations to bring you the 117 that I thought best fit this item.  It ranges from single primping, shaving, solo animations to a few slow dances in front of the mirror, to some hot adult content. 

The item currently only comes in the adult version.

It, like the Vindustria Bathtub, is designed to fit your spaces and is as flexible as possible in the space it needs.  The animations are primarily in front of the sink.  It does assume you will put it up against a wall with a mirror – ie for putting on mascara.  


This sink has a a variety of animations for single females (9), single males (4)  as well as couples (51) with menus divided by PG and Adult.

(Menu offered to female sitter)
Solo (9) – auto rezzes makeup and razor for leg shaving

(Menu offered to male sitter)
Solo (4) – rezzes razors, shaving creme brush and cup as needed.

(Menus offered to both sitters)
    Couples Primp (4)
    Dance (4)
    Cuddles (8)
    Kisses (8)
    For Her – includes foreplay and oral (8)
    For Him – includes foreplay and oral (7)
    Sex Facing (4)
    Sex Behind (8)



Click the LOGO (on back) or the base prim under the basin to get the menu.  5 metals are included and will match other Vindustria bathroom pieces..  There is a factory reset option that will put everything to how it came out of the box, in case you it gets retextured or tinted and you want to go back to the original.

It is possible to limit  the access to the menu – you can set  it to group or owner, or simply edit the logo prim and remove the black tulip script and BT_TEXTURE files, then you save script time and no pop-ups or changing.  You can always rez out another later if you change your mind.