Disaster Relief Gift Card

Updated 13 April 2020

Dear Dictatorshoppers,

The Gift Card offer is now over and the vendors have been removed.  It has been a wonderful heartfelt experience for me meet and speak with so many of my customers old and new. 

A total of 5160 Disaster Relief Gift Cards worth L$1000 were given out for just L$1 each.  I am just gobsmacked by the turn out and so proud to be able to do this little thing that I could do to make people’s lives just a little more fun and interesting during this crisis.

Your thank yous have been very gratifying and if you are looking for ways to say thank you, please add the shop to your picks and tell your friends to come have a look if they are furniture shopping and have not been here before.  Word of mouth is the best advertising in Second Life!

Thank you all for your continued patronage. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dear Dictatorshoppers,                                         

I am giving this special gift card out for one Linden because I know the lion share of us are sheltering in place if we can, or working in danger if we can’t – for the good of everyone else.  With that in mind I wanted to give you all some disaster relief, a little something to bring you a smile and take your mind off the news of the world.  There are lots of items in the shop under L$1000 so even if you don’t have lindens to spend right now you are still going to be able to find *something* you can get without any additional spending.

  • One Gift Card per customer
  • Cannot be transferred or combined
  • Cannot gift most items under L$1000 to someone else. **
  • CARDS WILL EXPIRE 30 JUNE 2020, SO use it or lose it.  This is to alleviate boredom NOW.
  • OFFER ENDS Monday 13 APRIL 2020 at 3:00 pm slt.

I wish you and your family good health during this crisis. Please be safe and shelter in place if you are able.


PS – how to get yours:

Head to the main shop

MUST wear your Dictatorshopper update group tag or you will not receive your gift card.

Follow the red arrows to the vendors. READ the instructions and signs.  Then pay the vendor 1 Linden. Then wait, do not get impatient and pay again because then neither transaction will go through.

Be aware that if there are 40 people in the sim it can take up to 15 minutes to deliver if multiple people are hitting the same vendor at the same time.  There are four additional vendors on the back side of the main vendors, if the sim looks full go around back and your chances will be better and quicker!


     1. First, click “Menu” and choose “Verify” to validate that this is a genuine gift card.
     3. Find an item you would like to purchase at the main DICTATORSHOP store
  4. Right click the vendor for the version of the item you wish to use your card on.
     5. The product which you have chosen will appear on the card. Check that the details are correct.
     6. Hit “Buy Now” to commence purchase.
     =  Don’t have enough credit for the item you want? =
 If you wish to increase your balance, there is a gift card top-up terminal at the info desk where you land in the shop.

     If you select a product which costs more than your available balance, you will be given the option to top-up the card
     to cover the full cost. If you choose to do this, you’ll be given a DEBIT PERMISSIONS dialog.  You will need to grant
     permissions in order for the card to be able to complete the top-up and purchase the item.

** The reason for the limitation on gifting lower linden dollar items is due to some bad actors who sent in three dozen alts to send items to a single individual.  This wasn’t a limit I wanted to enact but it is not fair for folks to get away with that.  This gift is to you from me, so please enjoy it.


If you are looking for more mainstream (less kinky stuff) you can get both PG Sofa and Chairs for under 1k.  In fact most of the PG versions of things are under that price point.
If you are looking for a more kinky toy, check out the cranes, armoire and console cages.
The Whore Mattress, the Vindustra Bathroom items, the contempo single gender/dominance combo bondage toys (located upstairs).  There REALLY are lots of items! I wanted to make sure everyone could get something fun, even if RL is making lindens a bit sparse. ๐Ÿ™‚
If the lag in the sim is too great (it has been crazy full) check out the marketplace to help you read up and decide what you want.  The gift card only works in world though.

I have had a few people ask me why “Disaster Relief” … Simple answer is that all the other words I see in the news make me think this is a disaster of monumental proportions, above and beyond mere illness and right on through to millions thrown out of work and losing their health care and huddled indoors. I would just as soon not see the words pandemic, corona or covid19 again if I could help it.