Blogger Information

Dictatorshop is always looking for high quality bloggers to join the team!

♛ – Your blog must be active and creative.

♛ – High quality images is common sense

♛ – You MUST blog  all new event releases  we put inside the group.

♛ – You must publish each article obtained, at least 2 posts per month, more articles and publications are welcome.

♛ – The featured item should be clearly visible in the image and not hidden or so close up that it is not possible to see the item properly.

Guideline – You are encouraged to use other Dictatorshop items together if appropriate.  Feel free to request other Dictatorshop items to use in the shot if you have not already received them.  (i.e. the sofa that matches a chair you are featuring or other items in the same product line).  It is acceptable to add additional decor from other creators to create a good vignette for the  featured item, so long as they do not eclipse the Dictatorshop item or hide it.  MOST items have color change which is accessed from the LOGO button, do not be afraid to customize from the choices.

♛ – It is *preferable* that poses from the furniture be used where possible.

Guideline – If another pose is used, for whatever reason, please be sure to note in your post so that people do not get  any false expectations about what is available inside the item.

♛ – All publications you make must be linked to Dictatorshop Flickr Group and inworld Group.

♛ – You must send your blogger report every 07 of each month after the month of the event. We can accept a delay of 1 day, in case it is delayed more than agreed to send your report, you will be out of the team.

♛ – Add the  the Dictatorshop logo  into your blog.

♛ – Any event related review items MUST be blogged ASAP to help promote the event and the store.

Guideline – When linking to event items please use the main store SURL too.  All new items are featured in the entrance rotunda for people to try.  It is ok to have the event SLURL as well but since events  move around it is important to have the main SLURL as that does not change

♛ Images MUST be uploaded to Flickr and added to the Dictatorshop
         Flickr group:

Dictatorshop CEO:
Dictatorshop Resident

Dictatorshop Team